Diploma in English Communication (Updated)

Assalamuallaikum w.b.t. and hello everyone! For this post, I would be talking about Diploma in English Communication (DEC) in general, like what is this particular course is all about. Basically, this is a new updated post as I simply feel the need to rewrite this post and tell all the readers who are reading this what you will study and expect to graduate from taking DEC. Not that I wanted to genuinely change my feelings of excitement on the previous outline that I've written about my happiness getting into DEC. The pic on below still consider I guess?

Yes, if you may see, this is the result of mine getting into DEC and was located in Kolej Profesional MARA Indera Mahkota Kuantan Pahang. Genuinely, I was extremely excited as if you've read on the post of Temuduga Diploma in English Communication, you will know I flunked on UPU for 2 times for 2 years :') But Alhamdullilah, the Almighty has written my destiny to study at KPMIM and finished my Diploma studies and finally become a debt-free graduate :D

If you want to know more about Kolej Profesional MARA in general, feel free to read my post regarding it. Well, as explained above, I will be talking more about DEC in general. Before I proceed, here are the lists of subjects that you will be taking per semester. (DEC is about 2 years, and you will be having 4 long semesters and 2 short semesters). Hence, please be reminded that your Industrial Training or isn't considered in the course outline of your study, meaning to say the 2 years of study is on College and not your Internship.

Here are the subjects as listed:

Semester 1 (14 weeks) (May-Sept 2017)
Intro to Listening & Speaking
Grammar Basics
Intro to Reading
Intro to Writing
Mandarin I
Computing Fundamentals
Amal Islami
Kesatria Negara*

Semester 2 (7 weeks) (Oct-Dec 2017) *Short Semester
Business Communication I
Academic Reading & Writing
Mandarin II

Semester 3 (14 weeks) (Jan-May 2018)
Business Communication II
Intro to Tertiary Learning
English in Media I
Test Skills I
Mandarin III
Public Communication Skills
Kembara Alam*

Semester 4 (14 weeks) (May-Sept 2018)
Critical Literacy
Group Dynamics
Literature Appreciation
English in Media II
Penghayatan Islam
Tanggungjawab Sosial Korporat

Semester 5 (7 weeks) (Oct-Dec 2018) *Short Semester
Test Skills II
Digital & Mobile Communication
Pengajian Malaysia II

Semester 6 (14 weeks) (Jan-May 2019)
Workplace Communication
Intro to Research Methods
Human Resource Management
Intro to International Relation
Society, state & Individual
Dinamisme Islam in Malaysia

Semester 7 (16 Weeks) (May-Sept 2019)
Independent Study

Like any other IPT, the duration of your study will be up to 14 weeks of study, excluding your Mid Sem Break and your Study Week. Therefore, you will be able to expose to really cool yet killer subjects from time to time. Reminder to the future DEC students, never ever study at the last minute. Always prepare, always be settled and find good partners for you to work with. I'm sure you will manage. Hence, KPMIM is a wonderful place for you to study. I mean where else can you find a place congested with beautiful beaches of Kuantan, and the malls of the city.

Once if you get placement in KPMIM, there's a lot for you to venture. Your 2 years of study will be a meaningful journey for you to be able to live with. I can assure you that. Well, if you are wondering which semester would be the most hectic. I'm guessing you might think that the final semester would be the most difficult or most stressful. Yes, it's true. However, semester 4 is also quite hectic, as it concludes never-ending assessments and tests and other significant measures to make you suffocated.

Alas, I'm sure once you finished all the semesters, you will find ease and success. Now, let's focus more on your Internship. How to find a good placement and something that is related to your course? Well, I'm not a good person to talk about this as I as well found my placement at the last minute. Can you believe a student who are taking DEC and did his internship in Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia? Like where's the connection towards it? It's not even a language centre, to begin with. It's okay, I'm already done with it. Hence, you should always seek your Internship Counsellor and ask his or her opinion.

What you will be after you have graduated from DEC? Well if you ask me, most of my batchmates further our studies in Degrees and minority of them continued working. It's really up to you to decide whether if you want to continue your studies or straight away work because you already have your Diploma. Or maybe you can do both? However, I still remembered my lecturer told me to never give up on my studies, and she quoted "Belajar selagi boleh belajar". I guess it's up to us to decide on what's best and to never lose hope in the future. Hence, that is what I could conclude from my experiences in taking DEC, and to all the readers out there if you have gotten into this course, trust me it's going to be an amazing experience for you :D


  1. assalamualaikum, saya nak tnya .. klau nk jdi teacher kna smbung degree eh? nnti klau inter untuk diploma english communication ni, kt mna?

    1. Wslm. Yes, to become a teacher, it is compulsory for you to have at least a degree in education. Regardless if you’re taking TESL or any kinds of course which involves you with education. Interview for DEC ni ade kat pelbagai cawangan MARA. I got my IV at KPM Bandar Melaka. But DEC only offers in KPMIM (my current institute) and KPMSI. It depends where will they send you. Anyways, further questions do ask at my Ask.fm/muhsufyan or reached me on instagram @sufyan6 Cheerios!

  2. May I know why you further your studies at the age of 19?

    1. Oh hello there! Why do I further my studies at the age of 19? Hahahaha. It’s because I went to private after SPM (taking tesl). Unfortunately TESL is not recognised MQA (a qualification). I was really depressed, and I decided to stop my studies. While waiting for my second application at UPU (17/18) I decided to work for couple of months. Again, I did not get the chance to further my studies in the IPTA. Long months of waiting I felt that I just should keep on working and maybe I can do part time study. Thank god I did not have the intention to join another private institution, which my heart decided to go. Alhamdullilah, I received a callback from Kolej Profesional MARA regarding the iv for Diploma in English Communication. I realised Allah’s blessing did not stop me from studying, especially English course which I am most passionate about. I was lucky to be given this opportunity to study at Kolej Profesional MARA, because there’s a lot of benefits I received. I couldn’t possibly imagined myself if I were to be in another private institution, where the case I’ve been through repeated again.

    2. Tesl kat mana yang tak MQA accredited tu?

    3. Sekarang dah ada. It's fine, IPTS pon okay je.

  3. Hi there
    Please assist me. My daughter just completed her SPM and now waiting for her fesult. Her line of interest is similar to yours. Whats your best advise for me to start with

    She has enroll for MUET on February 19 for a start. She was from MRSM Langkawi but decided that she doesn’t want to do science streams and moved to a local school in Damansara. Please advise us on what you can. Thanks

    1. Hello! First of all I would like to congratulate your daughter upon completing her SPM, that's a relief! If she's passionate in learning in the English field, then I highly recommend her to pursue DEC (the one i'm taking right now) at KPM. First of all, DEC is not exactly as similar as TESL, because we aren't under Education. We're under Language studies. Which means by taking DEC, you will not page to be an English Teacher, you can proceed anything beyond than that. It's because DEC is more in Language and Communication, and we even minors in Business. DEC work prospects are such as Journalists, Reporter, Diplomatic services, International Relations and more! We can be Language teachers too, but there are opportunities besides that.

      About MUET, it's likely to be taken by the Asasi, Matrikulasi, STPM and Diploma leavers because it's one of the requirements for venturing into Degree. It's is compulsory for someone to achieve at least Band 4 or above in order to pursue into English courses for degree. Do highlight that requirements. It's okay for her to take MUET, it's just I don't advise her to do so because she still haven't pursue her education after SPM. But don't worry, she can retake MUET if she needs to.

      Studying in KPM has given me a lot of grateful opportunities to drew attention close to my heart. Not only I love English, but I'm learning to understand the language deeper and further until I'm satisfied. Taking DEC here in KPM also taught me to be confident, and stand up for myself especially in communicating with peoples. English is our second language to begin with. As for the subjects, I believe I already state above. Some subjects do not have finals, but you'll have loads of assignments instead. Just don't do your work last minute, or you'll suffer from it.

      As for the fees, you only need to pay RM 180 for long semester and RM 100 for short semester. Therefore you don't have to bother to apply loan from Banks or PTPTN. It's all under MARA. Can you see the benefit from there? I sure did. Besides, the new intake will begin on this May 2019. It's mostly the SPM leavers. Do apply if you are interested in studying DEC in KPM. Trust me, you won't regret a bit. Best of luck and make good choices!

  4. salam sufian :) nak continue under course ni subject maths perlu kredit ke tak ya?

    1. Waalaikummusalam, Hello there! Yes, I think all diploma programme, in all kinds of institutions now required credit in Mathematics.

  5. Hi assalammualaikum.

    I would like to ask, kalau study di KPM & sambung degree TESL boleh ke?

    Thank you i'm wishing for your replyyy

    1. Waalaikummusalam, hi there! As you know, KPM only offers Diploma programme, and yes. You may continue TESL for your degree if you wishes to. But TESL degree requires you to have at least Band 4 or above and CGPA of 3.00 and above. Note to yourself, if you are taking DEC, it’s different than TESL. Because DEC focuses more to Language and Media. You’ll may learned Business as it is your minor.

  6. Salam bang..Sy bercita2 nak jdi guru b.inggeris.. (1)Klu sy nk smbung ke degree in TESL boleh ke? (2) Klu boleh..boleh ke sy transfer kredit?
    Boleh nk mntk email abang? Saya pnya email mfaiezsemi@gmail.com

    1. Waalaikummusalam, hello there! Wow, you wished to become an English teacher. That’s fantastic! Well, if you are taking DEC, of course you can continue your Degree in TESL. It shouldn’t be a problem unless you did not fulfill the TESL requirements at the particular University you wanted to continue. This is a side note, to proceed to TESL, you CGPA must above 3.00 and at least get Band 4 or above for MUET. Credit transfer? it really depends on the respecful institutions whether they do have or accept credit tranfers. Anyways, further enquiries or questions you can ask me on my ask.fm acc which is ask.fm/muhdsufyan cheerios!


    1. Waalaikummusalam, wow caps lock. Terkejut sis. Well, yes mmg basic Mandarin pon kitorang belajar, dari Mandarin 123. So kalau you dh belajar mandarin for 6 years, I bet it’s not going to be a problem for you. You’ll pass with flying colors 🙆🏻‍♂️

  8. Assalamualaikum,im aliah and basically i will be attending the interview in dec at Melaka,but seriously i am more into business.what is your opinion if,i try to further my studies in DEC then lepastu amek degree in business management.You rasa boleh ke? I am into english but yeah, a little bit confuse since i love business so much.so i nak tau kalau ambil dec boleh ke kita apply degree in business.thanks.

    1. Waalaikummusalam, hello Aliah! First of all I would like to congratulate you for getting a DEC IV at KPM Bandar Melaka! Goodluck and do try your best on performing for the IV. Don’t worry, it’s a piece of cake! (nope, not rlly). Okay, you minat business? Well good news for you. DEC mmg Major in English and Writing, tapi, DEC minor in business. And if you tngok my previous post about DEC you’ll see the subject that i’m taking. One of the few subjects which I minor im Business is Entrepreneurship and Business Communication. Dari situ you akan belajar serba sedikit tentang business. So kalau let say you nak sambung degree in Business Management, I guarantee that shouldn’t be a problem. You can proceed with it. Trust me, you won’t regret taking DEC, as it provides you with tremendous opportunities! Anyways make good choices and goodluck!

  9. Replies
    1. Yes, 100% fully under MARA. No need to bother making loans from PTPTN or Any local banks, it’s all provided. Plus, you’ll receive allowances of RM 300 per month.

    2. utk dec ni mmg 3 tahun ke? Sbb saya ada dgr org cakap skrg dip 2 tahun je

    3. Yes, DEC 2 years je. 4 long semesters, 2 short semesters and 1 Industrial Training (practical).

  10. Hello Sufyan! Hope you doing well. 1st of all i would like to thank you for writing this experience of yours. 2nd, are you currently studying DEC at KPM? if so can you tell us how the interview will be for us 2019?.I literally have only 5 days from this moment to prepare myself for the upcoming interview which make me feel anxious and scare about how things will go for me. >.<

    1. umm nak tanya mcm mana nak tahu bila interview kita,saya dapat sms je suruh kata ya atau tidak

  11. Assalamualaikum boleh saya tahu temuduga tu macam mana sebab saya pon akan ditemuduga minggu depan T.T kalau boleh bgtahu la sekali apa yg patut dan tak patut buat masa temuduga tu. Really need your advice :)

    1. Waalaikummusalam, hi there! Hahahaha, kalau nak bagi tahu soalan Iv saya rasa mmg mustahil, sebab lain orang, lain soalan basically :D But what I can advice you is to be 100% prepared for the iv. Do some research about MARA, and research about what is KPM. Try to answer snd deliver the question briefly, without any fillers. Most importantly, try to be yourself and be honest. All the best, and goodluck!

  12. Hi ! Would you mind sharing some tips on how to perform well untuk interview DEC in KPM because it's only 4 days until the interview day and I don't know what should I prepare and how the situation would be during the interview session . Seriously I'm super nervous right now 😞😥

    1. Hello! First of all, I'm sorry for this late reply, I know you might already enroll in KPM. Goodluck anyways! Well, my tips for you would be, just be yourself. You may never know your opportunity to perform in College or in Workplace :D

  13. Hi Sufyan! So I received an interview invitation for DEC KPM too this 17/4. I would like to ask for your certs qualification arrangement in the clear folder that you brought to the interview. Do we need to bring our grad certs too? And sijil tamat sekolah jgk. If so how do you arranged the certs? According to the year or the level of achievement? Sbb I ada certs from overseas and all tpi not really sure bout the arrangement in the folder. Hope that you can clear this up for me and wish me luck for the interview! Oh and do we have dress code for the interview? Or casual wear would do the trick?

    1. Oh ya and the photocpy documents that are compulsory to bring, do we have to arrange it in the folder as well or they would ask for it during the registration? If not, do we need to bring the original copy as well and put it inside the folder?

    2. Yes, plis do reply this girl's questions because we're on the same crisis ahahaha

  14. assalamualaikum . saye nk tanye , kalau ambik DEC boleh ambik course psikologi tak masa degree nanti ?

    1. Waalaikummusalam, of course boleh! bukan psychology je, masscomm, language studies ngn Education pon boleh. 🙆🏻‍♂️

  15. Sufyan .May I ask . In 2019 ..ujian bertulis tu cm Ne ?

    1. during my time of iv kat kpm bandar melaka in year 2017, we did not have writing test at all. only iv. I’m not sure what’s the question for the writing test.

  16. Assalamualaikum and hai sufyan...i have some questions to ask ..if i want to be an interpreter should i take DEC as a first step to become an interpreter?because i think i want to major in english first and then i want to learn other langguage.. and also is there any other langguage instead of mandarin like korean langguage? And can i further my study in overseas if i can score with flying colours after i finishing DEC..because i really want to continue my degree at overseas..thank you for your cooperation. I hope you can reply my questions.

    1. Waalaikummusalam, hello there! First of all, I apologize for my late reply. I'm extremely busy because I had to focus on my finals during my last semester, and now I'm currently doing my internship. Well, an Interpreter, that seems fascinating! Well, if you are enrolling to DEC, I think it's a suitable course and a stepping stone for you to be an Interpreter one day :D Why? Because you will learn Mandarin for you minor, and if let say you wanted to pursue languages for your degree, you can minor interpretation if I'm not mistaken. It's all take courage and confident to achieve something, isn't it :D

  17. hye time mintak tu interview bukan cecah ribuan ke cmnee dpt spm result bi berapaa n interview dia berapa kali ! help me tomorrow ada exam

    1. Hello there! I'm not sure how many number for the interviewee candidates. As far as I concerned, this year was a huge number of the interviewees. So goodluck! :D

  18. Replies
    1. It depends on the intakes. Usually, May-Sept intake are about 400 students, and Jan-May students are 200+.

  19. Assalammualaikum..sye nk tya subjek yg ade kat kpmim tu sama ke ngn subjek yg ade kat kpmsi??..😊

    1. Yes. DEC KPMIM is as similar as KPMSI. Cuma tempat je berlainan 😊

  20. hello sufyan! so i'm wondering la kalau i amik DEC ni boleh ke tak utk degree nanti i amik course regarding anything in finance?? its becs i have a really huge passion in english languange and at the same time want to learn more abt finance :( one more, DEC only 2 years right?

    1. Well, it depends on your choice exactly. Because if you want to continue something related to finance, then it’s going to be a long study. Because you might not have the basic finance.

  21. Assalamualaikum. Nak tanya macamana nak apply study kat sini


    1. Waalaikummusalam, you can apply at Unit Pusat Institusi MARA. http://apponline.mara.gov.my/upimonline/

  22. Assalamualaikum

    At DEC, are we still have to seat for MUET ?

    Tqvm... Best of luck to you!

  23. Hi there! Im your super senior 😂
    Glad i found this article.. Rindu ya amattt dekat kpmim. Walaupun awal2 susah gile nak adapt dengan culture rules dekat sane, and end up loving it.

    1. Hi senior! How are you? You sambung kos apa after degree? Which KPM are you situated before this? Hahaha, I'm glad you read my blog. Well, it's nice to have a super senior who appreciates this :D

  24. Susah tak belajar kos DEC ni ? Please reply my comment .. 🙏

    1. Hi there! Susah ke tak? Hahaha i rse mne2 course you amik mesti ade susah senang. Just keep this in your mindset, try to be positive, trust yourself and always study in the first minute, inshaAllah boleh punya :D

  25. Hi bang saya ni baru lepasan spm Dan kalau boleh saya nak tahu kerjaya kalau amik Dec ? Boleh jadi cikgu x?

    1. Hi there! Boleh je jadi cikgu, tapi kene ade at least degree la. You can pursue in any Education related for you Bachelors degree once you finish studying Diploma. Make good choices ✨

  26. Hye can I know what degree could be taken after finishing DEC in kpm? Thank you in advance.

    1. Hi! I'm almost a year late on replying to this (as I'm super busy for my Degree T.T) sorry! Okay basically if yo have officially finished your studies in DEC, you can pursue your Bachelor's Degree in Education, Languages, Communications, Business, Mass Communications and most rare, Law! Yes, these are the fields that possibly us DEC KPM would pursue, but the winner would probably be Education and Languages such as TESL and English. Anyways, hope you're doing well in your studies, and goodluck!

  27. Assalamualaikum I have some questions for you. Apparently i got accepted into kpm seri iskandar in DEC but I don't even go for interview pun. How is that possible....?

    1. Hai I pun same dapat kpmsi pelik jugak takde tulis iv pun .

    2. sbb covid kut sbbtu tkde iv

    3. Hope it ends soon.. Herd Community

  28. Assalamualaikum ,saya nk tanya dia tak de tulis pasal iv pun ,mksudnya tak de ke atau macam mana

    1. Awak dapat dec kt kpmim jugak kee? Saya pun pelik sebab takde tulis iv pun. Tapi saya ada tanya beberapa alumni dec kpmim, dorang semua kata ada iv :/

    2. Tahun ni memang takde iv

  29. Salam..kalau ambil DEC ni blh ke sambung degree udang² di ipta. Terima kasih

    1. Wslm, two of my friends proceed Bachelors of Laws (Hons.) at UiTM, so it's not impossible :D

  30. Sekarang amik degree di mana ?

    1. Bach. of Masscommunications (Hons.) Public Relations at UiTM Shah Alam :D

  31. Hi saya baru dapt result spm #spmpromax nak tanya, kalau mohon course dec ni boleh sambung international relation tak for degree? Thank youu

    1. Hi there! Sorry for the late reply, but as I've heard the result for Diploma programs for Kolej Profesional MARA will come out tomorrow. Anyways, best of luck!

  32. hi.. boleh tak saya nak tahu kalau sy amik DEC kan.. then nak sambung TESL university abroad .. mara ada taja jugak ke ..

    1. Hi there! For that I am not possibly sure, nor I have any valid information regarding MARA Scholarship to pursue your bachelors degree in TESL. But if you ask me if you excel during your diploma and achieve CGPA of 3.90 and above, you may apply for MARA scholarship and they will send you either NZ or Australia. But again, I'm still unsure, so maybe you may direct call MARA or send them and email for more confirmation. Plus, MARA is able to give you scholarship even if you are studying in local or private (besides international) Anyways, best of luck!

  33. Hello,can i know klau nk smbg degree kan atleast pointer kna brapa ?and fr you la kos ni susah tak ?

    1. Hi Iqa! If UiTM sekarang ni tak silap I mesti kena atas 3.00 pointer. Tapi dia tengok certain courses jugak, macam Accountacy minimum 3.50 and above. But if you are enrolling for English Language or TESL, MUET must be Band 4 and above. But for Masscomm Band 3 and above :D

  34. Hai, apa bidang yang boleh diambil untuk ke peringkat seterusnya setelah tamat diploma in English communication ni? Saudara telah tamat dah jika tidak keberatan apa yang saudara Lakukan sekarang?

    1. Hi there! If you are graduating from Diploma in English Communication, mostly they would venture into TESL, English Language, or Mass Comm. like me. I'm currently in my 2nd year of Degree in Mass Comm. majoring Public Relations. Fun fact, you can also venture into Business, HR, Marketing or Law! Anyways, make good choices!

  35. assalam if saya ambik diploma in corporate communication boleh ambil TESL dekat degree ke

    1. Wslm, hi there! Firstly Dip. Corp. Comm. tu kat mana eh? However I do have 1 friend whom previously taking Dip in TESL at KUPTM and pursue her degree in PR. I'm guessing it's okay to pursue your degree in TESL. All the best! :D

  36. Hai, i just got DEC offers so diploma ni bnyak peluang pekerjaan tak and boleh sambung degree apa ya? Currently, i studied in form 6 so i'm not sure about this course. Course ni sama macam tesl or lain ? Thank you

    1. I believe Ahmad Kashfy on below have answered your questions xD

  37. English In Communication ni sangat berbeza dengan TESL. Teaching English In Second Language ni for those yang nak jadi cikgu English. While DEC focuses on working in the communicating fields such as Mass Com and ETC. Tapi lepas dah habis Diploma In English Communication, you boleh sambung degree in TESL kalau berminat or anything related to English pun boleh.

  38. hello, will dec kpm let me becomes an english teacher after graduate ? or is there any way i should take more after graduate to be an eng teacher ?

    1. Hi there! First and foremost thank you for having the time to read my blog! I do appreciate it. To answer your question, please be mindful that DEC is NOT specifically for you to become and English teacher, as you may have to further your degree in TESL. Why? It is because DEC is not under education, it is under language studies. Even if you do want to become an English teacher without pursuing TESL, you may have to take Diploma in Education (Diploma Pendidikan) at UPSI or any IPTA's that offers Dip in Edu. This is because any local teachers in Malaysia need to have Dip in Edu. or any Degree related in Education. TESL is already under education, so it shouldn't be any problem. Hope this answers your question :D

  39. Assalammualaikum, harap notice :) kalau ambil DEC, time degree boleh ke sambung dalam course linguistik melayu or sastera bahasa melayu?

    1. Wslm, okay dah notice! Three of my friends who are from DEC, yang sorang sambung Law, yang lagi sorang sambung Sejarah, yang lagi sorang sambung Bahasa Sepanyol (Spanish), gempak kan? Hahaha, i'm sure you can proceed in Malay language or literature. Baru best master in English and BM. DEC does not specifically for you to proceed in TESL, or any English related.

  40. Assalam,
    Saya nak tanya, bagi program diploma DEC ni, ada ke programe ke luar negara ataupun nak masuk degree nnti ada ke scholarhsip utk ke luar negara? Dan kalau ada, ada pilihan kat mana ye?

    1. Wslm, and hello there!

      During my time ramai yang proceed their degree dekat New Zealand dengan Australia. English related courses jugak, and if I'm not mistaken still tajaan MARA. But bare in mind, during my time siapa yang cgpa 3.90 and above je dapat scholar, but if you still nak pursue oversea, you may buat TESP MARA or any JPA scholarships yang boleh proceed study oversea. This I would advice you to call MARA themselves, kot2 requirement apa semua dah berubah ke. INTEC Education so far I tahu memang hantar pelajar, and from their side I guessed? Anyways make good choices ya! Proceed Degree dekat Malaysia pon okay je not bad :D

  41. Salam... Kedua-dua surat tawaran dan dokumen wajib download ke.....sebab saya cuma lepas download dokumen je....surat tawaran tak tahu knp tak leps download ...jadi saya kena buat apa ye?

    1. Wslm, saya rasa ni awak kena direct contact MARA HQ. Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan.

  42. Salam bang , bang sekarang nie kerja dah ke ?? kalau umur 21 boleh apply tak nie course, bang rasa umur 21 nie dah terlambat ke ambil diploma nie

    1. Ya, saya dah kerja. Tidak, belum terlambat :D Saya ada kawan umur 27-30 baru nak mula diploma. Education does not define by age, but mindset :D

    2. I see thank you , bang contohlah klau nak degree kan apply cg tpi bkn tesl boleh ke ?? I mean ambil pendidikan yg lain lah

    3. This one I'm not really sure? But rasanya kalau nak jadi cikgu kena terus direct SPP (with education) or senang masuk IPG je.

  43. Hi sufyan! I hope u will answer my question. I want to ask about the outfit we go to the class for girls, like what outfit we can wear it?

    1. For guys formal, girls go for kurung. Every day :D

  44. course ni blh ke nk sambung degree psychology??

    1. Two of my diploma mates sambung Law school. So yes, it is possible :D

  45. nak mintak tolong kalau tak busy, saya dapat course ni dan nak mintak tolong abang bagi tips for each subject (latihan yang perlu dibuat/topik yang perlu ditekankan dalam sesuatu subjek) terima kasih banyak banyak sebab saya teringin nak dapatkan cgpa yang cemerlan

    1. Hi dear, for subjects I can't really help you much, as they would change the subject cohort every year.. but what I could advice is to always NEVER study in the last minute. Take as much notes as you can, and ask tons of questions. You'll succeed, inshaAllah :D

  46. Assalamualaikum and Hi! Just wanted to ask... Mandarin mmg kena belajar or boleh ambik bahasa lain?


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