Temuduga Diploma in English Communication (KPM)


Chapter 1

Assalamuallaikum w.b.t and hello everyone! So today, I will be talking about my experience on attending an interview from KPM. Okay mostly korang sume tahu yang I ada mohon UPU and my first choice is Diploma Bahasa Inggeris UPSI. FYI  Diploma BI tu ada temuduga, dan ia hanya dijalankan di UPSI sahaja. Sama juga dengan kos Asasi TESL UiTM. Pon ade temuduga. and temuduga dia luas. Doesn't mean just one specific UiTM. Okay, let me tell you from the very beginning. Like i said, i ada mohon Diploma BI UPSI. I dh tak boleh mohon Asasi TESL UiTM or Asasi Bahasa Inggeris UIAM and also Diploma TESL Unisza. Because ketiga-tiga kos tu hanya untuk kategori A sahaja (kategori A mean fresh spm student) sufyan kategori B (hmmmm sedih kan T.T) So my 'harapan' is on Diploma BI UPSI (because i wannaaa be an english teacherrrr). And sufyan memang nak sangat tau kos tuuuuu (gilaaa nakkk) and i pon tunggu la semakan temuduga upsi tu. bole katekan setiap hari kott sufyan check portal dia. (like non stop srsly) i even call them to make sure when is the results for interview came out. and they told me that minggu kedua april dh boleh check sama ada di UPU or portal UPSI sendiri. so i pon wait jela for the 2nd week of april. 

Finally, the 2nd week has come. I pon bukak laman web UPU. and ada tulis semakan temuduga UPSI. i dengan tak sabar nye tekan. As usual, dorg akan suruh letak ic no. At first, rasa nervous gilaaa kot (debor) takot sama ada dapat iv atau tidakkkk... turns out, i tak dapat.... (i nangis) WEIIII SEDIHHHHH GILAAAAA WEIIIIIIIIII AKU TAK DAPAT INTERVIEW FOR DIPLOMA BI UPSI. RASA MACAM NAK TERJUN BANGUNAN PON ADA WEIIII... (hahahahaha) serious patah seribu kot bila nampak dia tulis ''Maaf nama anda tidak terpanggil untuk temuduga''... WEIIIIII SAKIT JANTUNG WEI RETAK SERIBU WEI MELETOP WEII ... ARHGHHHHGHGHGGHHHIZEJNWNWOIENRMVEI2.. (literally my feelings that time). I mean sape tak sedih. Kalau tak dapat temuduga diploma bi, dah sah2 la ko tkkn dpt kos diploma bi tuuuuu.... Itu je harapan sufyannnnn tauuuuuuuuuuuuuu.... FYI pada tahun 2016 sufyan mohon Asasi TESL pon tak dapat iv diaaaaa (plus time tu i belajar kat IPTS) so tahun ni pon tk dapatttttt (sape tak sedih) aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (gilaa) after that, i call kot dorg sampai merayu bagai cakap nak interview tu. (siap promote nak belanja makan lagi, cus yang angkat call tu perempuan hahahah) tapi dorg ckp mmg dh tetapkan pelajar interview tu, and nothing can change. So redhaaaaa jeloooooohhhh (huwaaaaaa) ok dari situ harapan i dh musnahhhhh (rse cm nk give up jeee...) even time kat tempat kerja pon rse cm tk bermaya nak g keje.... hmmmmmmm... 

Chapter 2

Okay, i pon tak tahu kenapa nak berchapter2 bagaii (hahahaha) untuk senangkan pembaca i guess? Okay lepas tak dapat je kos diploma bi tu, i pon move on. sebab i dengar ade intake august/september like that?.. (so i aim mmg nk go for that laaa) literally lepas rayaaaaaa.. masih tak nak lepaskan upsi.... hmmmmmm.. and then, my friend ade cakap. Dh check KPM lom. i pon baru ingt, i ade mohon KPM. Kos Diploma in English Communication. i pon pergi la check kat laman web KPM. and guess whattttttt? PON TAK DAPAT!!!!!!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... (mentally breakdown) tapi time tu masih lagi heartbroke ngn UPSI. So KPM tu just rase sedih jee huhuhu... week after thatttttt,, (jeng3) time i tngh siap2 nak g keje.. i receive satu message nii.. and let me tell you something, i mmg selalu sangat receive message from Maxis, or unimportant messages laaa tu laaaaa ni laaaa.. (belambakkk) so i memang dh ada niat nak delete je message baru dpt niii.. tetapi kuasa Allah S,W,T, i tetiba tertekan message tu dua kali (double click) and it pop out a message saying ''Panggilan Temuduga Diploma in English Communication di KPM Bandar Melaka.'' I WAS LIKE WHAAAAAAATTTTTTT.. And after that, my friend message i via insta DM, and she told me dia pon dpt temuduga tuuu kat KPM.. tapi dia KPM Indera Mahkota, i KPM Bandar Melaka.. sebab my friend tu tinggal Pahang, I negeri sembilan.. so dorg nak dekatkan la darjah ketersampaian.. (something like that) I didn't expect i could get the interview for Diploma in English Communication at KPM (sebab dh check tk dpt, tapi dorg suruh buat rayuan.) Turns out, i dapat tahu yang DEC ni mmg ade interview, and siapa yang mohon kos tu, and bila check je. mmg takkan dapat, sebab kita kene pergi interview dia tu dulu. I am forever grateful dapat temuduga ni, biarpun bukan UPSI.. bersyukur la jugakkkkkk... tak sangkaaaa laaaaaaaaaa dapat... fuyooooooooo...
then I pon buat la preparation.

Chapter 3

Okay, so after i received the message. i pon buat la preparation. before that, i mmg dh mintak cuti awal2 sebab nak pergi interview ni. Interview untuk DEC ni only available for 2 days. 3rd and 4th May 2017. I dapat 3rd May. and my friend yg tinggal pahang tu dapat on 4th may. so senang bole bagi dia hint hahahahahaha.. bole katekan lepas dapat message tu i nonstop buat preparation. I buat essay, i belajar cara2 interview semua (maklumlah first time kan) i even do some of oral speaking.. tapi paling penat essay la sampah jenoh tangan kene menulisss.. and guessss whaaaaattt uoolllllsssssss.. i dapat message baru dari KPM dorg tulis apa tau. ''Temuduga di KPM Bandar Melaka'' ''Pakaian Formal'' ''Sila Bawa Sijil, salinan ic/surat beranak'' '' TIADA UJIAN BERTULIS''..... I MMG NAK JERIT JEEEE AHHHH... asal la tak nak g tahu awal2!! dh tak penat buat essay, ahhhhhh (takpe tak salah pun) and actually i was quite bersyukur la no writing test! (sebab malas nak menulisss) huhuhu.. so i just practice speaking and all laa, also i photostat ic sijil surat beranak sume.. ikut syarat yang ditetapkan. then finally, 3rd May has arrived. From N.Sembilan to KPM Bandar Melaka ambil masa 1 jam lebih je, tapi i tak tahu la kenapa i ask my parents keluar pukul 6:15 pagi, sedangkan iv tu start pukul 8:45 hahahahahaha. So after bertolak tu, sampai dalam pukul 8;00 pagi cm tu. We had our breakfast betul2 depan KPM. 

An interesting fact, KPM dengan UiTM ada collaboration. Sebab dorg MARA kan. plus KPM Bandar Melaka dekat gila ngn UiTM Bandaraya Melaka. like sangat!!!. then pukul 8:30 cm tu i pon pergi KPM. I ask the Service Counter kat mana iv tu held, sebelum nak habis tanya, dia dh terus jawab. At the Library. Just when i stepped at the library, dh bole nampak parents pelajar ade kat luar. yela masing first time kan (kah3) so i pon daftar diri.. Haritu dorang peruntukkan seramai 60 pelajar macam tu.. and my name is on the list no. 34. tapi sape sampai awal kira dapat no awal.. i dapat no 21.. and like srsly, ramai perempuan dari lelaki. then, ade lelaki yg kerja tu dia cakap 1 dengan 20 dulu tunggu luar untuk ditemudga. no. 21 hingga 40 sila tunggu dalam bilik menunggu. the fact is i no. 21. i was the first to enter the room.. i pon tunggu jelaaa. dorg seperate kan tau lelaki ngn perempuan.. i was alone at the waiting room. then alhamdulillah, another 3 boys came in. 2 from Melaka and 1 from N.Sembilan. which is funny i lived in Senawang, and that boy (his name is firdaus) lives in Paroi. (dekat je lol). sementara menunggu tu, kitorang pon kenal la satu sama yang lain. (tips untuk si penemuduga, jangan sombong! kenal kan diri kat org lain. jangan bajet nak bagus and dongak ke langit je!.) kitorang macam dh ngam tauuu huhu (obvsly bila lelaki berbicara) hahaha. then lelaki tu panggil kitorang suruh keluar. When we get out of the waiting room, ingatkan 1 sampai 20 dh settle. turns out belom! baru no 11 ngn 12. i no 21! lama lagi weiii..... arhhhhhh... (fyi interview ni dua orang at 1 time. so 1 ngn 2 mcm tu) kira i dengan no. 22 laa.. tunggu punya tunggu dengan air cond yang sejuk campur lagi hujan di luar, kitorang kesejukan weiiii dengan tunggu punya lamaaa.. akhirnya my no. was called.

Chapter 4 (All in English)

I stand straight, and I saw No. 22 standing as well. Her name is Hurul Ain. I asked her. Even her phone number. Then we both straight walk to the interview room. We were told to wait for the outside due to their discussion on the previous students that had been interviewed. That is the only time I encourage myself to ask what No. 22's name is and where she is from. Fun fact about her, she's from Malacca and graduated from SMK Convent. A girl's school. I mean obviously, the entire people in Malaysia know how's the Convent student's speaks right. They excel in academics, co-curricular and tons. I expected she will perform very very well. Looks like my thought were true. I am the first to knock on the door and greet to enter the room. They were 2 Panels of judges. A man and a woman. They greet us. and told us to sit. So the interview began.

Iv: Okay, welcome. Have a sit. You can put your certificates here.
we both put our certificates at the table
Iv: Okay, introduce yourselves. Who's going to go first?
Me: Ladies first I guess?
Hurul Ain:*she introduces herself, her backgrounds, her school and what is her actives in school*
Me: Assalamuallaikum w.b.t and greetings everyone! My name is Muhammad Sufyan Bin Borhan. I'm 19 years old. I lived in Seremban Negeri Sembilan. I have 2 other siblings. That would be 3 including me. I'm the youngest of my siblings. I am passionate about the English Language. Also, I page myself to be an English Teacher in the future. Thank you.
They look at us with a surprisingly facial expression, and they asked another question.
Iv: Okay, I'm going to ask you this irrelevant question. It came out of my mind. If you were given special abilities or superpowers, what would it be and why?
Me: If I have superpowers, I would choose to fly. Because I've always wanted to fly across the world and see by myself what lies beyond the world, and I want to feel it before my body reached the earth. In addition, I also want the ability to read people's minds. For I can just read both of your minds and know what do you think about us right now.
Iv: No! I am Magneto! I'm invincible (they both laughs)
Me: (chuckles)
Hurul Ain: (laughs a bit) *she tells she wants to be a superwoman*
Iv: Okay, do you love to sing?
Me: I think everyone can sing. It's just up to them whether if they want to perform or not.
Hurul Ain: A little. 
Iv: Okay, as you guys aware that this course will only be taught at KPM Indera Mahkota Pahang and KPM Seri Iskandar Perak. Are you okay with that?
Hurul Ain: Yes I'm fine about it. Because that is a sacrifice we have to make due to studies.
Iv: What about you Sufyan?
Me: I think Ain is right. It is a sacrifice we have to make. Because this is the education we're talking about. This opportunity only comes once in a lifetime. We shouldn't waste it. The purpose for me to be an English Teacher starts from this. If I were to live in my dreams, I shouldn't wait for it. But, I have to work hard and achieve it.
They smiled. The man read one of my certificates and asked.
Iv: So, Sufyan. Tell me, about this ''Peer to peer workshop'' you attend in the year 2013. What is it about?
Me: If I'm not mistaken. It is about the ''Kemahiran'' where we build dollhouses from recycled items and also we drew maps on a manilla card. 
Iv: I see. Hurul Ain seems like you received tons of certificates about the drama theatre. Tell us a little bit about it.
Hurul Ain: Yes, I'm an activist for the English Club, Drama Theater, Debates, Oral Speaking and tons of English activities. In my school, only several Malays are an activist. Most of them are Indian and Chinese. I want to inspire the Malay students at my school by joining those activities just to show them that there's nothing impossible when we are capable of making it possible. Thank you.
Both of them nodded and finally they said
Iv: Okay. It looks like we don't have any questions to be asked. So thank you.
Me: Okay thank you.
Hurul Ain: Thanks!

Have I performed very well? Have I? There are questions in my head. Literally, I didn't ask them questions. I asked Hurul Ain what does she think about our performances. She said it was fine, but not too good. Good but not too fine. In between. I think she's just being positive. She seems like a very good person. But one thing I have to tell you guys, her English is fluent. She nailed it. I wouldn't be surprised if she got the course. I know she could. Anyways, this is the end of it. Thank you to Allah s.w.t for giving me this luck. I have never been happier. I am looking forward to pursuing my studies at KPM. InshaAllah. This is my selfie with Hurul Ain btw :P


  1. Hi sufyan. I am spm leaver and currently thinking about what course should ii choos. Honestly,i love english so much,but i know that my english is not good at all, i have a lot of grammatical errors and my english isn't fluent at all. By reading what have you write made me feel so insecure. I think your english is so good. But anyway,thank you for this write up. It helps me a lot!

    1. Oh hello there! Congrats upon completing your SPM and finally free from High School! That’s a relief isn’t it? Hahaha. Well, if your heart is close to choose English courses, I highly recommend you to take Diploma in English Communication at Kolej Profesional MARA. Why? Not only it’s a 2 year-diploma programme, but it really does benefits you with a lot opportunities to drew attention in your life, exactly. Further research for what’s DEC or KPM, you can read some of my post or do your own research about it. Grammatical problems and stuffs? Look there’s nothing to be embarrassed of not mastering the language itself. I honestly am totally a downpour when I first to like the language itself. I do admit it’s not easy to adapt and adopt, but practice makes perfect isn’t it? Therefore I challenge myself to look for the beauty, and to love English Language itself. Once you foster the language, you could see yourself in a situation of a silver lining, and most probably you’ll find it’s entertaining and wonderful to score. Anyways, make good choices, and choose wise. Goodluck!

    2. Hi,sufian,im fitrah,i nak tny sikit about resume,kita perlu x letak our picture kat resume,because i got the iv for dec

    3. Hi fitrah! Well yes, you should include your picture on your resume. And please brings others documents such as your certificates of achievement, SPM results and etc. Goodluck on attending the iv. All the best! Cheerios!

  2. hello sufyan .. can i know how you dapat english comm. at kpm tu ? like how u mohon.. kat mana?

    1. Hi there! how do I get that course? Well of course by attending the Interview that is held at various KPM in Malaysia. I got mine at KPM Bandar Melaka. Then I checked the result and got into KPM Indera Mahkota. Online registration can be made through Unit Pusat Institusi MARA (UPIM). You can google it. Anyways make good choices, cheerios!

  3. Hello...If im studying DEC , can i study TESL for degree?

    1. Hi there! If you are taking DEC, can you further your degree in TESL? Well yes, of course you can. But, you need to see the requirements that TESL needed. Your MUET must at least achieve Band 4 or above, and likely to get 3.00 and above CGPA. All IPTA’s that offers TESL have the same kind of requirement. On a side note, DEC is not as similar with TESL. Because DEC focuses more about Languages and Communication. You’d be taking Business as your minor studies, and you will learn a little bit of Masscomm such as language and media. Anyways, make good choices and goodluck! P.S. Kolej Profesional MARA is opening May-Sept 2019 intake, you can apply at UPIM.Online.

  4. Can I know what else I can be other than being a teacher, editor or translator? Ada banyak ke job opportunities for someone yg mempunya dip or degree in English professional communication? Wait, is it the same as yours (I mean the course) , and utk saya yang memang x tahu cita² and nak masuk dip english professional communication sesuai ke? 😅

    1. Hello there! Okay i try to answer briefly. First of all, you know these days, English is one of the most important language, especially in working environment/field. Therefore, it’s best for you to have a Diploma or a Degree which minors English and Business. Just so you can communicate or create a relation with peoples. English for Professional Communication is a course which offers by UiTM. I am studying at KPM, taking Diploma in English Communication. It’s different in terms of duration, syllabus and lecture. However, by taking both courses, you can venture your degree to anything you want. But first, you need to see the requirements needed for the particular degree. Anyways, hope this answered your question. Cheerios!

  5. Hello Sufyan! I'll attend an interview for the Diploma English In Communication on 16/4. I'm nervous right now huhu.. There'll be two session which are interview and examination. I think my english is not as good as you.I'm really hope that I can continue myself at KPM. Can you give me some tips ? Both of the session(interview&exam)are better huhu.Tq

    1. Hi there! Well that’s great! Congratulations for getting a DEC Iv from KPM! Do your best okay! It’s okay to be nervous, I remembered my first time getting an IV at KPM Bandar Melaka, I was horrified. What if I couldn’t perform? Anxiety would not leave me be. Honestly, I am still a beginner learning English. Nobody’s perfect okay? Hahahaha. Two session? Wow that sounds killing, because during my time there are no “Ujian Bertulis” or whatsoever. It’s just an interview. So I guess you really need to work with that. I’m sure you can do it. Well I recommend you to prepare early, not in the last minute, as you will be more nervous. Trust me. Anyways goodluck and make good choices! All the best!

  6. Hello sufyan, I'm kinda have a lot questions to ask but I think I'll take a little. As you know, I've got an interview to attend at kpm on 16/4. So, my question is can I continue my studies on degree at other univercities as I want to be a lecturer, for example at uitm. Also, can I continueing my studies for another courses like tesl or any other course which have exactly same as english communication?

    1. Hi there! Oh it’s okay, ask away! Congratulations for getting a DEC Iv from KPM! That sounds amazing! Well, after you’ve finished your Diploma programme, of course you can further your degree in IPTAs, foremost, becoming a lecturer! It all depends on your faith and determination that will brought you, as a result. Continue in TESL? Most of DEC students continue on that particular field or study, for those who wishes to be an English Language teacher. So there’s no problem with that. But if you are passionate in continuing on English fields besides education, then yes you may continue on that. Note to self, DEC is not as similar with TESL. Because we are not under education. We are more into Business and Communication. So it’s different. Anyways, goodluck on performing for the Iv and all the best! Cheerios!

  7. Oh my god. Idky but my heart pounding like crazy while reading this. Today i just got sms and its frm kpm. Its iv fr Dip Eng Communication!!! You know wht, we hve lots of things in common such as our Bi B and Upsi is our hope after gettin rejected by Unisza and Uitm fr tht. Hahhahahhahhaha but as you can see Im not v good w English. Gah! Wish me luck big bro! My iv is on 17/4 . However, I still dnt know if i wnt to attend it or not. My anxiety is somehow my biggest backstop (plus my broken english kahkah) i remember when pt3 oral i almost crying because i cant even say anything eventho i want to. It is miracle knowing tht i could made it last year. Btw, are you accepted ? Im really wanna know ahahahhaa.

    1. Hi there! First of all, congratulations for receiving SMS from MARA regarding the IV for DEC! That’s amazing! I hope you’ll do your best for performing the iv. Do make preparations on how to perform on the interview and please make some research about KPM or MARA. We have lots in common? hahahaha wow, that’s great :D I personally think, you should attend the interview, like seriously! Having anxiety in English is a good thing. Why? Starting from there you can learn few things on how to overcome your anxiety. Trust me. I’m also a beginner to be exact. As for being rejected by IPTAs, that’s so common! I’m glad I joined KPM! Free allowances, and i’m about to be a debt free graduate, for sure! Well yes, I’m currently in my last semester right now, just a few steps more hahahaha. See? you manage to perform on your PT3 then I guess life has a silver lining in it. You just need to have faith on Him. Okay? Anyways make good choices and goodluck for the iv! Cheerios!

  8. Assalam .Sufyan! First thing of all, did you bring along all your sijil pencapaian kokurikulum during the interview? Secondly , i am a bit nervous to attend the interview at KPM Seri Iskandar perak soon because of my English grade during SPM was just B+. Did the grade will affect our interview ?

    1. Waalaikummusalam, hi there! Well yes, I bring along ALL of my certificates just for my backups. Plus, they would be interested in seeing your Certs of Achievements or what are your qualifications, what are you active or good at, etc etc. I think it’s normal to feel a little bit of nervous because the interview is on this Tuesday isn’t it? Hahahaha. Your SPM grade somehow doesn’t matter for DEC, even if English is your priority, just try to excel the iv okay? Best of luck of attending the IV and do talk more without fillers! Cheerios!

  9. Hi Sufyan , expect from that , what else that we must prepare ? Because I've got interview this Tuesday (16/4) at KPM Seri Iskandar . Please help me , thank you.

    1. Hello there! Well of course you need to bring along your certificates, just so the interviewer or the panel can take a look of your qualifications, your spm result and achievements back in High School. Please be prepared for the Iv and do a little bit of research about KPM’s background and etc etc. Do research about MARA and etc. Try to talk genuinely and do not have fillers, all the best! Cheerios!

  10. Hi sufyan , how do you organize your certificates in folder ? What is the most important things to do for the iv . Omg im so nervousss right now bcause mine is on 17/4 . Pls help meeee . Thankyou.

    1. Hello! I know I’m a bit late, you’ll probably already receive DEC isn’t it? If you do, then congratulations!

  11. Assalamu'alaikum bro! I'm a degree holder but I always have a dream to further study in any foreign language. I did apply this course as my 3rd choice using my SPM result (as it's the highest qualification available there because there's no foundation/matriculation and degree option on the online form). Few days ago I received a SMS for DEC iv at KPM Seri Iskandar. Is it possible and valid for a degree holder to apply for this course? And should I bring along my degree cert to the iv? Thank you im advance for your reply! Btw I'm really grateful and thankful to you for discovering your post about this iv and course structure. Thanks for the sharing!

    1. Waalaikummusalam, sorry for the 2 years late reply. How are you now?

  12. Assalamualaikum. I'm Aina. I got the interview of this course. I'm so nervous and lack of confidence. I tend to freak out when too nervous and also my english skills is not really good but luckily I got A solid and 3B for CGE for spm. I want to know how did you manage to answer every questions they asked calmly and with fluent english? tbh I can speak in english and understand what other said but sometimes their accent made me lost. I afraid that I will not be able to understand what they ask. If you don't mind can you share some tips ?

    1. Waalaikummusalam, Hi Aina! I know I'm a bit late, but how are you now?

  13. Assalamualaikum.I'm Ariff .Boleh saya tahu temuduga dec ni ade writing tak?

  14. Assalamualaikum, I am Jannah and will be attending an interview on the course you did this Saturday 20/4/19. Thank you for the story it really helped.👏👏✨

    1. Waalaikummusalam, Hi Jannah! Sorry for the late reply. I'm sure you sekarang dah habis kan?

  15. Assalamualaikum Sufyan, thank you for your tips..It helps me a lot.. Thank you very much.. May we can meet at KPM one day! Hehehe.. May Allah always be with you :)

    1. Waalaikummusalam, oh congratulations! But sadly I already finished my studies :’) Anyways goodluck and all the best!

  16. What's the different between DEC and EPC ? Is it the same or an absolute different course ?

    1. Hello there! As far as I know the differences between DEC and EPC is that is DEC is offered at Kolej Profesional MARA and EPC is offered at UiTM. EPC has 2 levels which are Diploma and Degree. As for Diploma, EPC is located at UiTM Alor Gajah and UiTM Segamat. As for Degree, EPC is only offered in UiTM Shah Alam. DEC is only offered at KPMIM and KPMSI. DEC is 2 years while EPC is 3 years for Diploma and Degree.

  17. Hi sufyan ! I just want to ask if we can use some malay words during IV? Yelah sometimes we feel so nervous and cant remember about certain words right? Btw, thanks for sharing your experienced, even it make me a bit of anxiety but still its good hihi !

    1. Hi there! and no we can’t 😊 when it comes to English courses IV, it the language use must be fully English. Unless if you are going for Masscommunication IV, course tu dwibahasa. Anyways, awak nak apply DEC ke? You can join January intake if you want to. Goodluck!

  18. hi idk if you're still active in this blog but i wanna ask a few things. i am spm leaver. so i really wanna take DEC at kpm im but my brother suggested me to take TESL foundation at UITM then continue degree english communication. i am so confuse which should i take. If i take DEC at KPM, where should i continue my degree? also after finishing DEC, there will be intern right? what kind of job will i be? (sorry for any grammar mistake)

    1. Hi Mai! Yes, I’m currently active so worry not 😊 First of all, congrats oh finishing your SPM and literally done with High School. That’s a relief isn’t it ✨ Okay, I think you are aware of the differences between Diploma and Foundation, whereby Diploma in English Communication only took 2 years of study in KPMIM, whereby Foundation in TESL at UiTM only took 1 year. The thing is, both courses have an interview in order to shortlist the students who are venturing on those two particular courses. A side note, if you are taking Foundation in TESL, technically you need to fasten your seatbelt, as the study structure is quite pack, and you only have 2 semester of study. If I’m not mistaken, 1 sem you’ll have 8 subjects, divided by two equals 16. Don’t get me wrong, it’s up to you really whether if you are capable and can divide your time to study and to have your leisure time. Yes, after foundation, you can either proceed your degree in TESL related or English language or Communication. It took only 1 year (fast track). As for Diploma, I can highly guarantee you that you’ll have more leisure time as the study structure is not too pack like foundation, and you’ll have 6 whole semesters (4 long sem, 2 short sem) including Industrial Training. The benefits of taking DEC at KPMIM is that it is a free education and you will be receiving allowances of RM 300 per month. It’s true. Plus, I personally think that when you proceed with your Industrial Training, you can have the experience and exposure in the workplace environment. Also, Diploma leavers can also venture to the respectful Degree if you wished to. So, the choice is in your hands, and I do hope you make a right choice, and if there’s any further assistance or inquiry, do notify me as the soonest. All the best and here’s a sparkle 💁🏻‍♂️✨

  19. Hai sufyan . I hope you still active on this blog. I would like to know if kpm ni same with uitm ke ? Is it like ipta for fresh spm graduate ? If yes, it is same as diploma ? Let say i take this english communication at kpm, can i continue my degree in tesl ? Because my result wasnt that good to apply any tesl course :(

    1. If you are able to perform during your Diploma studies, I'm sure you're going to do great for Degree :D

  20. What if im a total introvert? I believe I can talk in english but I never have the chance to chat in english with friends or other people like family members etc. Hearing upon the word 'interview' gives me shivers

    1. Diploma in English Communication will change your perception towards being an introvert person. Trust me :D

  21. hi sufyan , i hope you can read this . i got accepted to kpm sri iskandar supprisingly without iv (maybe bcuz of the current situation) . anyway .. can you explain briefly about what will i learn in DEC and what does that particular subject focus on . i had been doing some research regarding that matter but the outcomes were not that precise so i hope you can help me a bit . thankyou in advance ;)

    1. Hi dear, I know I'm super late, but congrats to anything you have achieved now :D

  22. hi.. may i ask did you chose asasi tesl as your first choice in your upu? if so, may i know what grade did you get for your english?

    1. Oh hi! Yes I delete my so called "Perjalanan Hidup Time SPM" cus I wasn't mature back then (terlalu emo untuk cerita) Senang cerita I nak follow my mother's footsteps on becoming an English Language Teacher, tapi tak dapat. Currently, I'm pursuing my Degree in Mass Comm. majoring in PR at UiTM Shah Alam. I guess I was never a TESL student. But it's fine, I'm sure Allah SWT has a better plan for me :D (i got solid A)

  23. Hi Sufyan, my name is Fatin. I'm studying in Form 6 right now. I am really confuse about my future education because I have a lot of interest which is photography, music and English too. I got A- for English subject during SPM (2019). During MUET class for Form 6, I got a lot of trouble for speaking and discussion test. I am really nervous and can't talk really well in front of others :( . My mind went blank, stutter and my voice get trembling :( . Sometimes my friends asked me about English subject during class as they knew that I got an A- for SPM and always post English quotes, sentences and caption on social media. BUT only with writing and posting something in social media. The fact is my communication skill is really bad and worse. I am confident when I'm alone but not in public :( . Not gonna lie but I'm really scare to do any interview and I get really nervous just by thinking of it :( . But most of the course we need to do interview, right ? :(

    1. Hi Fatin! First and foremost, thank you so much for writing this and express how you are feeling conditionally. I highly salute your bravery and utterly felt what you are feeling at the moment. Correct me if I'm wrong, are you planning to quit F6 since you are SPM 2019 leaver, or you've finished F6 already? If you aren't going to quit, I assumed that you have major plans for your upcoming degree, if that is. Well, what I would advise is to follow your heart's desire. I understand by developing an effective communication is not easy as ABC. It takes times for us to develop such feeling of confident and genuinely feel like we can talk in front of the whole crowd. But there's always practice, and make it perfect, okay? Don't stop and feeling down all the time, and since you mention that you are able to do so alone, I'm sure you can slowly make progress from it. Yes you can! :D

  24. can we become a secondary school teacher after talikng diploma in english...?

    1. As far as I know, you need to pursue any bachelor's degree in education. For instance, TESL.

  25. Tumpang tanya laptop perisian apa yg sesuai program ni.


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