Kolej Profesional MARA

Assalamuallaikum w.b.t and hello everyone! I know, it's been a really long time I haven't posted anything! It's because I am EXTREMELY busy. Why? During this past few HECTIC weeks, I couldn't find the right time to write on my blogs. I bet some of you guys wondering where in god's name I've been. Well, I'm here now. LOL! Okay, I pretty much want to brief you guys about Kolej Profesional MARA (KPM). You see, when you first heard about KPM, I bet some of you guys misunderstood it with Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. (literally, me during my first time). As you guys can see, Kolej Profesional MARA isn't as famous as other institutions especially the IPTA's. Even though Kolej Profesional MARA is fully supported by MARA and it's still recognized as a government institution, people are still unused to it. Kolej Profesional MARA was once a platform for MRSM students to study abroad. It's pretty much like an A-Level programme. But then, Kolej MARA took the programme, and Kolej Profesional MARA was opened for the students other than MRSM. Don't get me wrong, Kolej Profesional MARA still sponsored students who achieved CGPA of 3.75 and above to study abroad. Can't you see the benefit of studying in Kolej Profesional MARA? Well, let me brief you more. Kolej Profesional MARA only offers Diploma programmes. (copy this link to see the programmes)

Some diploma programmes are up to 2 years, 2 years and a half and 3 years. It depends on the course you're taking. And there are 6 KPM all over Malaysia. KPM Indera Mahkota (the place I'm in) is located in Pahang, KPM Seri Iskandar (Hurul Ain's) is at Perak, KPM Beranang is at Selangor, KPM Bandar Penawar is at Johor and there are 2 KPM's at Melaka which is KPM Bandar Melaka (the place I got my iv) and KPM Ayer Molek (the most beautiful KPM ever). You're lucky if you are situated in KPM Ayer Molek. But I'm grateful to study at KPM Indera Mahkota, as I'm used to it. Each and every KPM must have their own lifestyle and a different system learning. As long as you are a KPM student, then you will be grateful for the benefits they had.

Benefit 1: Free education

Yes, it's free! I have to be honest. The only thing you have to pay is the college fees for every semester. It's like the utilities for the college. It's only worth RM180 for long semesters and RM 100 for short semesters. You don't need to pay anything, including the papers for final examination. It's all taken care by MARA. Trust me, I'm serious. You don't have to bother making a loan from PTPTN or Banks or whatsoever, because it's free. After you've finished your studies, you'll become a debt-free graduate. Indeed.

Benefit 2: Allowances

It's a free education, and you'll have allowance! What isn't a great thing about that? You'll receive RM 300 for your study month and RM 150 for semester break month. So don't forget to open your Bank Rakyat account. It depends what banks they asked you to open. You don't have to bother working part-time jobs, because you are already given allowance to support you during every month. If you want to do part-time jobs then you'll have to know how to manage time on working and studying.

Benefit 3: Opportunity

Yes, you will have a once in a lifetime opportunity by studying in MARA. As I've mentioned above, MARA has scholarships that will be given to students who achieved CGPA of 3.75 and above to study abroad. Mostly they sent the students either to New Zealand, or Ireland. Kolej MARA offers an A-Level programme which you have to be sent abroad for your tertiary learning. While Kolej Profesional MARA only offers for students who have higher CGPA's. If you work hard and study smart, the opportunity will be yours, InshaAllah.

Benefit 4: Lecturers

The lecturers in Kolej Profesional MARA are very friendly and wise. Some of them are well experienced and you can seek them if you have any problems. In KPM you'll have a session called Mentor-Mentee session with you and the lecturer to talk about problems and else. If you are in problem, your mentor will be the first person to find out and they will try to solve the problem the way they can. Mentors are like our second parents. But they are in College.

Those are the benefits you'll get if you are studying at MARA Professional College. Trust me, stop thinking about whether to pursue your studies elsewhere, as you know that KPM offers a great deal for students, and they have more benefits than else. If you don't believe me, you can do your own research or give them a call. Further inquiries you can contact MARA.

Also, there is one of the KPMIM Alumni who posted about the benefit when you are studying at Kolej Profesional MARA, and alhmdullilah Majalah Remaja caught the attention. Here's the link for you guys to read: https://www.remaja.my/lelaki-ini-kongsi-mengapa-kolej-profesional-mara-kpm-merupakan-antara-opsyen-terbaik-lepasan-spm/

This is one of my favorite videos about Kolej Profesional MARA. I hope you enjoyed watching this.


  1. Hi there.. I juz wanna know how much do you have to pay for the books on the registration day?

    1. Hello! Books are normally paid to the lecturers depending on the subjects you're going to take. Some subjects required you to purchase a book, some don't. On the registration day, you are going to pay the College Fees and the activity card (yellow card).

  2. Hi . let's says after Diploma u want to continue degree ... Is the MARA scholarship still ongoing or no?

    1. As far as I concerned, MARA ada offer scholarship to those yang nak fly oversea. But if local, MARA ada buat TESP. You may kindly call Pejabat MARA for more information and assistance. :D

  3. hi! i just got tawaran for diploma in english communication but KPM Seri Iskandar hehe. I wish i could success like you! wish me luck for my diploma pls 🥺 <3

    1. Hi there! success apanya, grad? hahahahahahaha. But thanks, I take it as a compliment and motivation to study :D Well best of luck okie? I'm unable to elaborate more about KPMSI cus I was situated in KPMIM :( But I'm sure you're going to do amazing! Remember to study never in the last minute, and try to target 4 flat every sem, I know you can do this :D

  4. Hi, I'm currently on semester break, just finished semester 3 in diploma eng com. If you are free, may I know where can I explore more about IPMA program that offers to study abroad for degree?

    1. Hi there! Happy semester break! You need your 'me time' essentially. Do DM me on IG @httpsufyan for any related questions :D


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