Temuduga Sarjana Muda Komunikasi Massa (Kepujian) MC220 (Feb 2020 Intake)

Assalamuallaikum w.b.t dan hello semua!!

Okay, post kali ni sufyan nak tulis dalam dwibahasa :D Can right? hahahaha.

Okay, first and foremost, I know I've been busy lately, and I know there's some of you guys are still asking me about Diploma in English Communication (DEC). Sorry sangat2 sufyan tak dapat jawab soalan korang semua T.T. Srsly, memang iols busy gila nak mati. There are some of you guys ever wonder, why didn’t I post anything about my life in Kolej Profesional MARA Indera Mahkota (KPMIM) once again I truly apologize for the inconvenience. Truly I am.

For those yang tertanya apa yang sufyan buat sekarang? I'm glad to be able to tell you I've already finished studying at KPMIM, right after taking DEC. Alhamdullilah praised the Almighty I've been completed my studies for over 6 semesters (4 long sems, and 2 short sems). Then Sufyan pon dah tamat Latihan Industri di Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia Negeri Sembilan. To those who are wondering why do I choose JKDM is because it is last minute plan T.T

Kindly be informed, korang kalau belajar DEC, boleh je intern kat mana2 and make sure it is related to your study. The reason I chose JKDM is because dekat dengan rumah :D (jangan ikut) hahaha. Tapi fikir balik, dah habis pon, so yeah :D I've started my studies on 22nd May 2017 and I begin my industrial training on May 20th 2019. So in total DEC ni 2 years je. Tak lama pon :P Okay, I think tu jela I boleh share about my life in KPMIM prior in taking DEC. (ada mase sufyan post, tak janji tau).

Okay now, for the real deal, Sufyan mula LI on 20th May and habis on 6th September. LI makan masa 16 weeks je. And then hantar report balik kat KPMIM and present (viva) on 12th Sept. Since I tak sempat nak mohon UPU for first degree intake, nak tak nak I kene la mohon 2nd intake. Take note ye, tak semua IPTA buka for 2nd intake, yang buka cuma UiTM, UPSI, UUM, UIAM dengan UTM tak silap? But sufyan mohon satu je which was UiTM.

If I'm not mistaken, 2nd intake ni, korang kene beli no pin kat bsn, and tak silap sufyan early october dh boleh beli, sebab on 1st Oct is my birhtday, and I beli on 2nd ke 3rd? So technically Sufyan beli UiTM jela (sbb tak confident boleh masuk IPTA selain UiTM). After that, pilihan yang diberi oleh UiTM cuma 3 je, so sufyan mohon English for Intercultural Communication LG243, Sarjana Muda Komunikasi Massa MC220 dengan English for Profesional Communication LG240.

The reason I put EPC as my third choice is because Sufyan nak utamakan kos yang ada temuduga, which was LG243 and MC220. (Sebab kalau boleh nak pergi IV sekali lagi hehehe). Then I pon tunggu la until date 9th DEC 2019, which was the semakan temuduga for UiTM. Also, a side note, temuduga UiTM adalah selaras, in which semua course di UiTM akan diadakan pada 14/15 Dec 2019. So after check, sufyan dapat temuduga MC220. (tak dpt LG243 but ishokayyy).

Actually, I tak expect pon dpt MC220, sebab that was my second choice, tapi check punye check, I dpt IV tu kat UiTM Alor Gajah Melaka. FYI Sufyan memula dpt IV for DEC at KPM Bandar Melaka, ni degree dapat kat UiTM Melaka (this is so my charm hahahaha). Alhamdullilah la dpt jugak dari tkde, yedokk). For proof purposes, kat bawah ni gmbr tawaran temuduga, saje nk brag pfft.
So technically, IV tu adalah harini hahahaha (ni rajin nk post awal2) I gerak pagi tadi around 7am and I reached at UiTM on 8am (cus my dad bawak laju hahaha). FYI i sampai pukul 8 pagi, tapi i kene interview pukul 2:30, korang rasa? :D but ishokayyy, yang penting dh lepas IV. Total students yang pergi iv tadi, if im not mistaken around 30-40, and yes, one-to-one IV. So around 9am, kitorang ade pendaftaran, and ujian bertulis mula pada pukul 9:30.

For the writing test, cuma ada satu essay je, and if I'm not mistaken the question was Explain the roles of Mass Media for Nation Development. Yes, I remembered the question, and Sufyan pon mcm biasa, jawab dengan hati yang redha :D But before essay tu, dorang ade bagi kertas suruh kita buat pilihan untuk course degree, cus degree mc220 ade 9, and sufyan pon letak la Public Relations as first, Interpersonal Comm. as 2nd, and Journalism as 3rd. (click this link to know what are the 9-degree programmes for mass comm)

After I've made my choices, i've waited for the Iv. Reminder for everyone, jangan sesekali sombong tau! Tegur your future friends, mingle with them, and share some IV tips, supaya korang takkan nervous hokayyy. Tapi gentle I ckp, makin lama i tunggu in the classroom, makin beku kitorang, sebab tadi hujan, so yeah tambah lagi dengan aircond bilik, anda rasa? hahaha, I tunggu punya la tunggu sampai la pukul 2:30 petang asdfghjkl.

I entered the room, and ade dua panelist, most probably pensyarah UiTM. I gave them my sijil2, dokumen2 penting and stuffs, and I pon duduk la. Also a reminder, tegur dorang dulu, jgn dorang tegur anda. As per usual, for every single IV, introduce yourself, where you are from and a little bit about background details. Ingat, tak kisah apa2 course, IV mesti fully in English hokayyy! I can list the dialogue of our conversation for a side note :P

Panellists: Hi, please introduce yourself?
Me: Salam, and a very good evening, My name is * and I came from * Bla Bla bla bla...
Panellists: Okay Sufyan, tell me, as per checking on your choices on this list, why public relations?
Me: The reason I choose Public Relations MC242 (kalau boleh sebut course code sekali) is that I wanted to see myself as an Ambassador in the next 5 years, which I believe by taking MC242 can provide me knowledge and experiences in having potential in becoming one. Also, I believe that MC242 can improve my communication skills in creating relations with people and strengthen the bond. That's why I put MC242 as my first choice.
Panellists: Okay, I see, you like to communicate with people?
Me: Yes. I love to be around people and listen to his or her opinion and share some information if we are on a discussion (kalau boleh jgn bodek sngt, tapi confident tu mesti kene ada :P)
Panellists: I see, so Sufyan, since you are taking a Diploma in English Communication, why not pursue TESL? Or any Language related.
Me: I'm glad you ask that, I put LG243 as my first choice during the 2nd intake application, however, I did not manage to get the IV for that particular course, I got Masscomm instead :D
Panellists: So you're okay with that?
Me: Yes. I'm fine with it. Always look at life in a silver lining *chuckles*
Panellists: Since you mention just now you like to communicate, why did you put MC247 as your second?
Me: As mention just now about Public Relations, I believe Interpersonal Communication is also quite similar to Public Relations, it's just I'm confident in taking Public Relations as I believe it has more potential for me in learning that course.
Panellists: Very well, is there any further question Sufyan?
Me: Well yes, where will I be placed? Alor Gajah or Shah Alam?
Panellists: Well, currently you still did not receive the course for mass comm yet, so we would advise you to wait when the results came out, would that be okay?
Me: Oh I see, thank you :D
Panellists: If there's no more question, kindly fill in these details.
Me: Okay, thank you.

So technically mcm tu jela sufyan iv, sebab mmg nk cut off time, cus IV sorang2, that's why kene cepat, 1 orang dalam 10min-15min je mcm tu, baru 30-40 orang, kalau those yang dpt IV kat Shah Alam I think around 200+ kot? Anyways, Sufyan happy sangat dpt IV mass comm, and Sufyan harap post kali ni dpt la buat korang interested in baca okay? Tak suka takpe :D

Semoga those yang dpt iv, dpt course tersebut, and goodluck to adik2 juniors tak kira first or second intake yang apply masscomm degree, and boleh la baca blog ini sebagai rujukan :D

Yours Truly,
Sufyan :D


  1. Never knew u have a blog...anyway, keep up my friend,you have a bright future waitin

    1. Thanks Naja, catch that words back to you :D

  2. This is really helpful, and I hope you will have a wonderful time taking your degree ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

  3. hope you got the placement! Tahun depan I LI kat Alor Gajah wuuhuu

  4. Wow, I apply for 2nd intake too, STPM leavers... I'm preparing for iv online (video) for this week, hopefully everything is gonna be fine *I'm not confident enough to speaking in English which I should do* thanks for helpful links too.

    1. Hi Naurah! Thanks for having the chance to read my blog. Well, I'm sure you're going to do great for you Interview. All the best :D

  5. Hi, just wondering. After the interview, which sequence did you get into/offered?

    1. Hi there! I got MC242, Public Relations :D

  6. hello..I actually get the same cost like you and also have an iv at Uitm Shah Alam soon...like 27 May...I have so many question about this cost and really need your help...is it a way for me to contact??? I hope you reply me...cuz I have no idea about this cost...Tqvm

    1. Hi, I'm late! But I bet you ace your IV session right?


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