Life as an ODL student


Assalamuallaikum w.b.t and hello everyone!!

As for this post, I feel the need to write and tell every reader out there about the pros and cons of becoming an Online Distance Learning (ODL) student. As we know, the global pandemic of COVID-19 has affected all the people in the world. Especially us students. My advice to all of you future students who wish to continue your study within this pandemic is that you need to be fully prepare, and brace yourself for the upcoming things that will change your mindset, attitude and personality. In my opinion, ODL really sucks! As you will not feel like a full-time student that gets to have an amazing experience by studying in a face-to-face mode or physical classes.

To those who are wondering, how is it feel to be an ODL student? Let me tell you this, as far as I concern, none of us barely have anything good to comment on or to give feedback regarding this stud mode. As mention above, we highly preferred to attend physical classes compare to study online. Doesn't matter IPTA or IPTS, I believe all of the students must have faced several difficulties in maintaining their spirit to study while at home. Let's be honest, who can study at home when there's the television and the refrigerator? How are we able to study when we felt so lenient by staying at home. Hence, I'm going to list the pros and cons of being an ODL student below:

PROS (based on my experience)

I. Most of the classes are fully recorded and you will have ample time to revise compare to your notes.

II. You are able to save your money when you stay at home compare to colleges/dorms.

III. Your final exam will be an open book test.

IV. All of your upcoming assignments/assessments are via soft copy, you don't need to print them.

V. Final Examinations are much more flexible, as you will have ample time to answer them.

CONS (based on my experience)

I. Internet problems/Rural Areas/Bad Connections (this is ultimately normal)

II. Less engagement with the students/lecturers.

III. You will not experience being a full-time student (to visit your campus, faculty or college).

IV. More stress compared to physical classes (especially to those who are taking killer subjects).

V. Changing of rules/sops regarding the study mode (doesn't happen all the time, but maybe).

These are the lists that I could come with regarding the pros and cons of studying online, as most of the students in this country have to experience the same thing that I've experienced for the past 3 semesters in UiTM Shah Alam. Therefore, in order for you to tackle this matter, I would highly suggest joining any kinds of clubs/organisations in your respective institution in order for you to have experience and gain knowledge as a student. Trust me, you will not regret it, as you might be able to stay at your college/dorm when there's the time of need for you to be able to do so. Hence, you will also make new friends with others who have the same interest as you do by staying at college/dorm.

What I could conclude is that I really hope this global pandemic will be gone for good, and I hope that future students will be able to have physical classes compared to ODL. As we know that physical classes are much more beneficial and will be able to give you experience as a full-time student. Hence, what I've heard is that the Ministry of Higher Education stated around October 2021 they might make physical classes to students who have already gotten their 2nd dose of vaccine. Let's pray for the best and may it come true, and good luck to all my readers out there! PS: below are the pic of me having a good time in UiTM Shah Alam despite the class is still ODL.


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