Master in International Relations and Diplomacy (AM701)


Hello everyone! It's been too long and it feels like forever since I last updated you about my educational life/journey at UiTM Shah Alam. Kindly be informed, (cewahh) I have completed my studies in taking Bachelor of Mass Communications (Hons.) in Public Relations (MC242) Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah SWT for easing my journey, my strength and tons of memorable experiences for me to cherish in the future. I still could not possibly believe that I have completed 5 semesters and 1 semester of Internship. 

I am forever thankful to those who have been with me through thick and thin, and always supported me until I finished my studies. I started on 24th February 2020 and ended on 10th March 2023. For the past 3 years, I am able to develop, gain and grow as a person. Hence, I am forever grateful to consider myself a Mass Comm student at UiTM Shah Alam. #PRoudMassCommers

Furthermore, I am glad to be able to tell you guys that my educational journey does not end yet. I have officially continued my Master's Degree in International Relations and Diplomacy (AM701) under the Faculty of Administrative Science and Policy Studies at UiTM Shah Alam as well. This is due to the fact that I still wanted to become a Diplomatic Administrative Officer in the future, inshAllah.

Before I received this course, I have to take 2 additional subjects for me to score and excel in MIRAD. I am so grateful I have passed with flying colours! Moreover, it is ultimately fine for you to change your passion, course of study or faculty rather as you know what you want to do or to be in the future. However, I will not compare one another, as I find two faculties have so many similarities, and easier for me to live with them.

In addition, when you enroll in MIRAD, you'll be exposed with more IR & Diplomacy subjects in which will benefit you in understanding and experiencing the IR & Diplomacy fields. For me, by enrolling in MIRAD will able me to gain knowledge and understand on how our IR & Diplomacy in Malaysia works. At first, I have doubts in pursuing my masters in a new field or different from MassComm previously. Alas, I accepted it.

For me, it doesn't really matter what your first degree is. More importantly, the dedication you put yourself and strive for better goals to successfully achieve what's best. If I may add, I may not be able to study in physical mode during my Bachelor's Degree, and I am hoping my Masters's Degree would be much better than before. Thus, I am forever grateful for the opportunities given during my study for my Bachelor's Degree.

To conclude, I just want to thank all my readers who have been following my updates starting with the Diploma in English Communication (DEC) Kolej Profesional MARA Indera Mahkota (KPMIM) and Bach. of Mass Comm. (Hons.) Public Relations UiTM Shah Alam, and again in the same institution prior to taking MIRAD (AM701). I do hope all of you may as well find ease and gain success in pursuing your education without having second thoughts or dilemmas. Hence, never lose hope in studying. 

Thank you so much, 


Muhd Sufyan

PS: here's the pic of my offer letter which I got today! (click the pic to see clearly) :P


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