MIRAD - How is it so far?

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and hello everyone!

As intended, I feel the need to write this on how I'm coping with my Master in International Relations and Diplomacy (MIRAD) so far. Well, to be frank, I've completed my 2nd semester of MIRAD, and only 2 more semesters to go before my Dissertation. (Dissertation is the final submission for your thesis). How my life has been so far? Well, for the past few months of venturing into MIRAD, I could really say it was a roller-coaster experience. For your info, I lost my Dad in May 2023 last year, and it wasn't easy for me to lose someone special, someone I cared for, someone who supported me ever since Day 1. But I know, life has to go on and keep moving forward.

Now let's talk about MIRAD, in depth. I would say MIRAD is one of the courses that I will not regret taking, and I believe this course provides me with tremendous opportunities and pieces of knowledge to truly understand the scope of International Relations, Diplomacy, International Law and International Political Economy. In case any of you are wondering what is the study mode for MIRAD, it is Coursework (you will attend normal classes for 14 weeks and sit for final test/exam), and it offers full-time and part-time. There's no mix-mode for this course. Those who are working full-time, fret not, you are able to continue by taking part-time.

By the way, to understand the course more deeply or to know the fees and subjects you will be taking while enrolling in MIRAD, kindly click the link below (as far as I know, this is the updated price and study cohort, please be mindful that it may changes from time to time) https://ipsis.uitm.edu.my/images/Admission/Prospectus/AM701.pdf

Also, for elective subjects, as of my knowledge, you aren't able to choose which elective you want, as the faculty will choose for you. To know more about the subjects you will learn in details, kindly click on this link to read MIRAD's handbook. https://fsppp.uitm.edu.my/v1/images/program/master/am701_handbook.pdf 

The study mode for MIRAD is similar to any undergraduate mode, as you will have 14 weeks of study, for now, you will opt for online study mode for the first 9 weeks, and the remaining 5 weeks will be in physical study mode. As someone who is used to studying in an online mode, I could say it's essential, especially for those who have other commitments than studying. It's flexible. But again, the final examination or final tests will be held after week 9, which means you need to sit for the test or exam in physical. 

Besides that, you will be taking 10 subjects as a whole, including your Dissertation. Each semester you will either take 3 or 4 subjects, subject to which mode you will be taking. The ratio for full-timers would be 4,4,2 subjects each semester and part-timers is 3,3,3,1. Honestly, I feel part-time is the best choice while pursuing MIRAD as you will have ample time and only focus on your Dissertation. (meaning you won't have to focus on any subjects besides the Dissertation). The dissertation will be held in your last semester, as it will be the final subject to complete MIRAD.

Finally, most students who have completed their degrees would actually think that MIRAD is one step closer to becoming PTD, or perhaps working for any Embassy in particular, but it is actually more towards understanding the scope as I've mentioned in paragraph two. Hence, you will be able to understand the current issues under International Law and how you can have critical thinking in developing new measures and beneficial pieces of information.

To conclude, I would highly recommend anyone to join this course as not only you will understand MIRAD, but you will be able to live with it during your daily life. For me, from majoring in MassComm. Public Relations, I see no difference or stray far from majoring in MIRAD, as each of the courses I pursue has its own speciality and its own forte. Thus, I can't wait to complete my studies in MIRAD and hope to see what the universe will take me next in my upcoming journey.


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